iOS Cobrowse

Learn how to use Cobrowse feature using our native SDK.

Acquire has this feature called Co-browsing which is unique in its sense, as it allows an agent to browse the session with the customer so that he/she can get the desired product/services on their website to purchase.

To use Cobrowse in your own app, you'll need to add our Native SDKs. We've made this as simple as possible, with just a few lines of code.

Once the Native SDKs are added to your app, everything else is done through our web dashboard in any browser - no plugins or installs needed.


Get Cobrowse Code

Get visitor cobrowse code, when acquire session ready to connect

If acquire support session not started then it will return -1, otherwise session code to start cobrowse session with agent.

Sample code

NSInteger code = [[AcquireIO support] getCobrowseCode];

Add Mask on View

Adds a UIView to mask during the cobrowse session.





id <UIView>

instance to mask required

Sample Code

//Mask UIImageView
[[AcquireIO support] addMaskedView:self.imageView];

//Mask UITextField
[[AcquireIO support] addMaskedView:self.textfield];

//Mask UITextView
[[AcquireIO support] addMaskedView:self.textview];

Remove Masked View

Remove a UIView from being masked during a cobrowse session.

Sample Code

[[AcquireIO support] removeMaskedView:self.yourMaskedView];

Mask Keyboard

Masks the keyboard from being shown (Default: NO)

Sample Code

[[AcquireIO support] maskKeyboard:YES]

Pause Sharing

Pause an active cobrowse session

Sample Code

[[AcquireIO support] pauseSharing];

Start Sharing

Start a cobrowse session with a agent. Note that for Visitor sessions already start sharing when agent start cobrowse session via code. You can Pause and start sharing again.

init: no need to call first time. After pause then you can call this method

Sample Code

[[AcquireIO support] startSharing];

End Sharing

End the cobrowse session. Calling endSharing initiates the process of ending the session.

Show prompt message for end confirmation, see:







Pass bool value to show or not confirmation.

Sample Code

[[AcquireIO support] endSharing:NO];

Remove Stop Sharing Button

After session is connected you can choose to show our stop button or not.

Add key @"ShowDefaultStopButton" for stop sharing button. Set Value @NO to hide the stop button.

Also check about how to add key in config dictionary, see this:

Example app

If you want a sample app for cobrowse_only SDK version , you can download the sample app with integrated our SDK from Github. Example app provided here for both Objective-C.

Next: How to configure Acquire SDK in App, See this:

Last updated