
Get Visitor

Visitor Name

Get the name of the visitor.

Sample Code

   window.acquire = window.acquire || [];

Visitor Email

Get the email address of the visitor.

Sample Code

   window.acquire = window.acquire || [];

Visitor Phone

Get the phone number of the visitor.

Sample Code

   window.acquire = window.acquire || [];

Set Visitor

Set Customer Tracking

Set the visitor’s name, email address, phone number and remark. Use the script at right to update visitor details.

Step 1: Embed tracking code

Copy the sample customer tracking code under <HEAD> section of your webpage before widget code.

Step 2: Reload Webpage

Save your code and reload webpage.

Make sure you replace inside bracket words with your own code that outputs real user data for the currently logged-in user on each of your pages.

All are optional, you can pass only those value that you wanted and you can remove which details you don't have.

A convenience function to set multiple settings at once. Accepts a settings object.

Parameters userDetails key detail:

Visitor Page Update

Programmatically update visitor’s web-path.

Note: Chat triggers set to run “When a visitor has loaded the chat widget” will be fired when the visitor path is changed.

Update visitor’s path with current page’s location and title:

    // update visitor's path with current page's location and title
    acquireIO.visitorPageUpdate(title, url);

Last updated