
Visit and click a Sign Up. Once logged In then click on integration button and inside widget section get chat box initiation code.

Step 1: Insert Widget Code to webpage

Copy the following sample widget code and paste it inside <HEAD> section of your webpage

Step 2: Reload Webpage

Save your code and reload webpage.

Sample Widget Code

<!--  Widget Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    ((function() {
                var load = function() {
                    var script = "";
                    var x = document.createElement('script');
                    x.src = script;
                    x.async = true;
                    var sx = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
                    sx.parentNode.insertBefore(x, sx);
                if (document.readyState === "complete") load();
                else if (window.addEventListener) 
                // W3C DOM                    
                else if (window.attachEvent) { 
                // IE DOM                    
                window.attachEvent("onload", load);                
<noscript> <a href="" title="live chat software">Acquire </a> </noscript>
<!-- / Widget Code -->

Advance Settings

Customize color code for different client (optional), that color will replace client's account theme primary color with window.acquire_primary_color also a add line for add support widget dark or light theme just below to primary color

window.acquire_widget_dark_theme = true|false; //Optional

Last updated