All requests to Acquire's API require an API_KEY. Authentication is provided by the API_KEY. To create or delete an API_KEY, log in to Acquire and go toSettings > For Developers > API Key
Authentication example
Include this HTTP header for each API request:
Authorization: Bearer ${API_KEY}
Header Name: Authorization Header Value: Bearer {{API_KEY}}
Note: Please make sure there is a space between the Bearer and API KEY.
Sample Code
How to Generate an API_KEY
Make sure you have the necessary permissions to generate an API_KEY.
Follow the steps to generate an API_KEY:
Log in to your Acquire account.
Navigate to
Settings > For Developers > API Key
.Click on 'Create API Key' and enter a token name and select your token permissions.
Click on 'Next'. An API_KEY will be generated.
Copy the API_KEY and secure it in a safe location. You will not be able to display it again if you misplace it.
Once done, close the menu.
Save Your API_KEY
There is no way to display your API_KEY after closing the menu. Secure it in a safe location before exiting the screen.
All API requests must be over HTTPS.
Revoking an API KEY
Following steps to revoke API Key
Log in to your Acquire account.
Navigate to
Settings > For Developers > API Key
In the 'Action' column, click on the ellipsis ('...') and select 'Delete'.
A confirmation will display. Click on 'Delete API Key' to delete the key.
Last updated