Add contact

Add a contact.

Add a contact

POST https://{{account_id}}

Add a contact. Contacts may be created with attributes such as "name", "email", "phone", "city", etc. See example body below. You may use Custom Attributes during a POST request. If you're using radio or drop-down fields, ensure that the input matches the options. Use the Custom Attribute key in the fields body. You may find the Custom Attribute key in Settings > Account Settings > Custom Attributes. For example: "fields":{ "custom attribute key": "my custom attribute" }


Request Body

    "data": {
        "dateCreated": "2021-03-10T07:27:53.593Z",
        "dateUpdated": "string",
        "clientType": "web",
        "clientName": "Chrome",
        "clientVersion": "81.0",
        "clientOsName": "Windows",
        "clientOsVersion": "10",
        "clientDeviceType": null,
        "clientDeviceVendor": null,
        "clientDeviceModel": null,
        "clientDetails": {},
        "archive": "no",
        "companyId": null,
        "id": 12,
        "fields": {
            "name": "API  Deo",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "9460731950",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "country": {
                "name": "United States",
                "name_official": "United States of America",
                "cca2": "US",
                "ccn3": "84",
                "cca3": "USA",
                "calling_code1": 1,
                "region_id": 496,
                "lat": "38",
                "lng": "-97",
                "voip_enable": true
            "countryId": "517",
            "ip": ""

Body (raw)

    "fields": {
        "name": "API  Deo",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "9460731950",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "California",
        "countryId": "517",
        "ip": ""
    "dateCreated": "string",
    "dateUpdated": "string",
    "clientType": "web",
    "clientName": "Chrome",
    "clientVersion": "81.0",
    "clientOsName": "Windows",
    "clientOsVersion": "10",
    "clientDeviceType": null,
    "clientDeviceVendor": null,
    "clientDeviceModel": null,
    "clientDetails": {}

Last updated