Knowledge base groups were in place to make the articles get grouped together. With help of groups similar topic related articles can be grouped together and placed as one.
Knowledge base groups related API's helps us in getting the details of the groups exist in the platform and manage the groups in platform.
baseGroupsLang | JSON Array Object | Information about the base language details such as id,name,code |
createdBy | Integer | Specify the userId who created the group |
dateCreated | datetime | Specify group creation date |
dateUpdated | datetime | Specify group updated date |
id | Integer | Specify the id of the group |
isDefault | String | Specify weather it is a default group or not |
name | String | Specify name of the group |
slugKey | String | Specify the key of the group |
status | String | Specify the status of the group |
updatedBy | Integer | Specify the useId updated the group |
isSetUp | String | Specify the setup status of the group |
customDomain | String | Specify the custom domain url of the group |
To request this endpoint you will need a valid API Key with the knowledge-base access permissions enabled.
Last updated